"An honest man has nothing to fear, so I'm trying my best not to be afraid" -Catch me if you can

  1. Question: How do I get a Job? πŸ‘‹πŸΌ Jobs can be minted in the Dapp using the $CHECK token. βœ”οΈJobs can also be bought and sold on aftermarket exchanges such as Hyperspace, or Joepegs

  2. Question: What happens to Jobs that are promoted? They are removed from supply. ✌

  3. Question: Do I need to stake Jobs to earn $CHECK Jobs must be assigned (think stakeπŸ₯© ) to earn $CHECK

  4. Question: How do I claim $CHECK In the My Jobs section of the dapp you can claim $Check πŸ’»

  5. Question: Is there a claim tax? There is a 15% claim tax. πŸ”Ί50% β€” BURNπŸ”₯

    πŸ”Ί50% β€” Rewards Pool

  6. Question: Can I sell my Jobs? Jobs are NFTs and can be sold on markets such as hyperspace of joepegs

  7. Question: What happens to the $CHECK used to mint jobs? πŸ”΄5% β€” Treasury (Partnerships, veAMM Bribes, Team) πŸ”΄45% β€” Rewards Pool πŸ”΄50% β€” BURNπŸ”₯

  8. Question: Did early investors / team get job allocations? No. All presale buyers paid 1.5 Avax per mint ⛏ and team received zero allocation. *Note: There was no presale of $CHECK and team received zero allocation

  9. Question: How many jobs were minted in presale? 2000

  10. Question: Where were the funds raised from presale allocated? πŸ’° 2000 Avax went into $CHECK liquidity. The remaining 1000 Avax went to the treasury to pay for listings, promotions, marketing and continued development.

Last updated